A Quick Guide to Managing Type 2 Diabetes

A Quick Guide to Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Are you struggling with managing type 2 diabetes?

In general, there are four classifications of diabetes, and the two most common are Type 1 and Type 2. Type 2 diabetes afflicts more Americans, accounting for up to 90-95% of all diabetic cases. Studies show that a genetic predisposition contributes to the risks of getting it.

However, an unhealthy lifestyle plays a larger role in why people get it. Diabetes limits daily activities. Left unmanaged, it may lead to loss of limbs and other complications.

It’s also one of the worst diseases with high mortality rates. On the bright side, managing type 2 diabetes isn’t as difficult as it seems.

In fact, it’s one of the most flexible, with the most extensive methods available. Read on to learn how to manage it.

How to Manage Diabetes

Managing diabetes varies with every person and their doctors. Each one has different preferences and experiences in tackling the issue. Despite this, everyone still needs a baseline and a starting point.

Having a quick guide in managing type 2 diabetes can direct you to the right path. Stay informed with the best ways and tools on how to do so. Here are some pointers and advice to serve as your roadmap to better health.

1. Lifestyle Change

Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet is a major contributor to deteriorating health. The same is true for diabetes. After getting a diagnosis, most, if not all, doctors will recommend a lifestyle change.

It’s the simplest solution for diabetes prevention and management. However, simple doesn’t mean easy. A hallmark of type 2 diabetes is the inability of the body to process sugars. This is because the pancreas does not make enough insulin, which causes a build-up of sugars in the blood.

Part of this lifestyle change means giving up foods you love and squeezing in some exercise time. This isn’t something most people can do outright. This is especially true if they have fast food and sugar addiction or an unforgiving schedule.

It’s best to start small. Opt for sugar-free sweets or sweeteners and add fresh foods to your diet. You can also choose to start weighing out your food, especially carbs.

If you want to get the best diet for your condition, consider talking to a dietician.

As for exercise, try walking more every day. While a gym membership is a plus, it isn’t a necessity. Finding an easy workout online is enough.

The most difficult part of changing your lifestyle is sticking to it. Going on support groups or assigning someone to keep you accountable will help. It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, a family member, a therapist, or a doctor.

Your journey to a better life is best made with those who support you and want nothing but the best for you.

2. Diabetes Medication and Treatments

Advances in technology and science have made type 2 diabetes management more convenient. These include glucose monitors, insulin pumps, and even top-of-the-line medication. Devices and medication are now less invasive and more accessible and available.

They can even connect to handheld devices and apps on your mobile phone. This eliminates the need for constant monitoring, needle pricks, and unpreventable accidents. In turn, both younger and elderly patients are better cared for.

They don’t even have to feel as stressed or traumatized compared to before. Advances in diabetes medicine have also gone a long way.

There are now less intolerable and harmful side effects from medicine. At the same time, innovations have made the efficacy of medicine more effective.

Several medications are also formulated to work hand in hand with lifestyle change. For example, it’s worth exploring the benefits and cost of Jardiance.

It helps regulate blood pressure and keeps hearts and kidneys healthier. Besides that, there has been a link to weight loss and even better blood pressure using Jardiance.

That said, there are still some treatments and pharmaceuticals that may be expensive, especially many of the top brands and most trusted ones. Don’t fret, though. Most diabetes medicines are available for insurance or government subsidies.

3. Recognizing Signs and Symptoms

Did you know that middle-aged adults with type 2 diabetes are more at risk of dementia? There are various diseases and illnesses made worse by diabetes. Understanding the underlying risk factors and symptoms of type 2 diabetes is important.

It can help you prepare for it and the future better. The last thing you want is to ignore indications that, when caught early, can be life-saving. Doing so also helps you confront and manage the situation more head-on.

Talk to your doctor in case you notice a combination of any of these telltale symptoms:

  • increased fatigue
  • sudden blurred vision
  • slow healing of cuts and wounds
  • constant feeling of thirst and hunger
  • frequent need to urinate (especially at night)
  • numbing and tingling of hands or feet
  • unexplained and/or rapid weight loss

Having these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have diabetes. This is why constant check-ups with your doctor are the key to managing diabetes. If your family has a history of diabetes, be on guard.

As for every disease, diabetes is best prevented than cured or managed. If you’re lucky, starting a lifestyle change as soon as possible can stop prediabetes from progressing. This can save you from the horrors and burdens of diabetes.

This applies not only health-wise but also in the financial aspect. In Canada, the healthcare system spent almost $30 billion in 2019, further proving the diabetes is a disease that’s taxing both to your body and pockets.

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Tips for Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Here’s a quick guide to managing type 2 diabetes. While the experience may be daunting at first, you can still live a sustainable life with good health practices. Don’t let type 2 diabetes get in the way, and take control of your life and health today.

Find out more and understand diabetes better. Keep in the know with the latest health, wellbeing, and lifestyle news. For pharmaceutical health news and related content, check out our other blog posts.