Only authorized writers and freelancers are allowed to contribute to the creation, editing, and publication of content on Our goal is to produce a valuable piece of content. Therefore, we have separate teams of editors, writers, and developers for each category.
The site’s editors, writers, developers and designers aim to uphold and maintain high ethical standards.
They also do extensive research to provide you with the most relevant, trusted, and valuable content that you can use in your daily lives. These Terms of Use govern your use of the site.
Conditions of Use
- We don’t own any rights to the information (such as the names and details for the applications, products and persons, videos, etc.) that is available on the “Thinkmage” website.
- We have no right to delete, modify or alter the site or any portion thereof (temporarily and permanently) without notice.
- The information we have posted in general cannot be held responsible for any country-specific changes.
- Additionally, the site might not be accessible to specific people or regions. In such cases, consent/conformity to local laws, rules and regulations is required.
All content on the ”Thinkmage” website is for informational purposes only. Users are responsible for any use of information from the site. We cannot guarantee or take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, and quality of any information on this site.
“Thinkmage” is not responsible for inaccuracies or incompleteness of the information. The effectiveness of the content can vary from one user to another.
Conditions of Use
Authorized members and we have the right to change the Terms of use at any time. It is therefore advisable that all ”Thinkmage” users regularly review our Terms of Us. Any change can be made on our site at any time. Your continued use of our site will signify your acceptance of our terms and conditions.
You agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use ”Thinkmage” if you access, visit or use our site.
Privacy Policy
If you give us your data, we may also collect it. If you are interested in making continuous use of our website, you can provide details such as your name, date, birth, phone number, and any other similar information. We only collect this information from you if you subscribe to our site using the specified domain.
We may connect you to third-party websites through ”Thinkmage”. These sites are not regulated by anyone outside. We strongly recommend that you carefully review these third-party websites for their security policies and terms of service. We do not make any warranties or liabilities, and we assume no responsibility for the data, terms, conditions or privacy policies of sites that we don’t control.