Ways a Family Dispute Lawyer Can Help You

Ways a Family Dispute Lawyer Can Help You: A Family Law Guide

About 15 out of 1000 marriages in the US end in divorces. Many reasons cited for broken marriages include infidelity, domestic violence, substance abuse, and lack of commitment.

Going through a divorce means resolving various family issues involving children and property. If a family can’t agree on these issues, it’s prudent to retain a family dispute lawyer.

These lawyers specialize in family law. Thus, they bring judicial authority to de-escalate disputes. On top of that, a family lawyer also represents litigants if their dispute ends up in court.

So, what else does a family practice lawyer does? Which conflicts can they help resolve in the family? Here is a brief family law guide.

1. A Family Dispute Lawyer Handles Estates and Wills

The deceased often leave a written or oral will to stipulate who will manage or inherit their estate. Besides drafting wills and testaments, family lawyers can also help in their enforcement.

2. Prenuptial Agreements

Some couples may prefer to sign prenuptial agreements before a marriage or civil union. This agreement highlights the provisions of property division and spousal support in case of a separation.

Prenuptial agreements vary with marriages. A family dispute lawyer will help you draft one with regard to the specifics of your marriage. Additionally, the lawyer will handle any legal matters that may arise from the agreement.

3. Child Custody Disputes

The main challenge of a divorce is determining what will happen to the children or who will have their custody. Remember, family disputes can be tougher on children, especially if separation is inevitable. Inasmuch as you want emotional peace, they also want love.

A family lawyer can help draft custodial agreements that cater to the children’s interests. A legal plan for the children will ensure that they grow with the love of both parents. Most importantly, a well-thought agreement also caters to the needs of both parties.

4. Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can be so traumatic, especially for children. It can include both emotional and physical abuse intended to hurt one partner. In some cases, domestic violence may entail threatening behaviors that put your life and property at risk.

A family practice lawyer can give you legal advice on how to avoid hostile interactions with your partner. However, you wouldn’t want anyone to benefit from such an unfortunate dispute. Besides, the family lawyer cost can be pretty expensive.

In that case, you can go for a non-profit law firm.

5. Divorce Appeals

Although you cannot modify the agreement on property division, a family lawyer can help you file an appeal for alimony and child support. Sometimes, you may need to renegotiate some terms after a change in your income or financial status.

For custody appeals, you must prove that the proposed changes address the well-being of the child. Also, the child may influence some outcomes on visitation rights, depending on what they prefer. Your attorney will advise you on all the required thresholds for these appeals.

Family Law Attorneys Have the Knowledge and Experience to Settle Disputes

A family dispute lawyer can help couples address issues rationally before they get out of hand. Whether it’s a divorce, custodial disagreement, or domestic violence, a family attorney will help you resolve the matter.

Check more family law articles on this site to learn more about marriage dispute resolution.