Types Of Online Roulette

Online Roulette is a popular casino game that requires placing bets on the outcome of a spinning wheel. You can play from anywhere with an internet connection and enjoy using your own home as the venue, without having to leave it for nights on end gaming in a casino. Playing roulette online gives you the opportunity to find out for yourself if this is a game you want to try out more often before going ahead and taking your gambling habit offline.

There are many variations in the rules that you can find when playing online roulette. Here is a detailed explanation of different types of roulette that you can play on the internet:

American Roulette

This roulette version gives players only one single zero on the wheel, making it more difficult for gamblers to win big sums if their initial bets turn out to be winners. However, all the other numbers on the 38-number wheel have equal chances of hitting and this makes this version one that people prefer to play regardless. The roulette wheel that is used in American roulette games has three rows of nine numbers, with the zero middle rows.

European Roulette

This roulette game uses a single zero at the center of the wheel, but this number does not have to be spot on. Unlike American roulette, where all the numbers have equal chances of hitting, in European Roulette, every number on the roulette wheel has its own chance of being hit irrespective of other numbers. Players can choose to play either European or American roulette.

French Roulette

This version of the game is similar to European roulette except that each number on the wheel can either be red or black. The rule of this game is that if a number shows up, it will have to be either red or black. If you are playing French roulette, then you must pay close attention to the numbers that show up on the rotating wheel. You can play this version of the game online through any casino site that offers online roulette games.

French roulette is popular among players who have a penchant for simpler games, which have no complicated rules. Using slots, baccarat or blackjack as an example of bets that you can play on a table in a casino, it’s clear that French roulette would seem a lot more straightforward compared to playing them online. 

As far as the software of this type of game is concerned, the wheel is created of standard numbers and not letters or symbols. Another difference between French and European roulette is that a player can also choose whether to play online roulette games with only even numbers or odd ones, simply because the wheel now has two zeros.

Progressive Roulette

This version has a small, centered zero that the player can bet on. The wheel has five rows of eight numbers. The number that’s nearest to this zero wins. If you bet on the spin that will come after the zero, you’ll win double your stake amount; if it’s the spin after that, you get four times your stake; etc.

Multiplayer Roulette

This is a unique type of roulette game, which lets you play with other online players at the same time. You can compete against real players in this game, where you can bet on either even or odd numbers or place bets that are placed on the highlighted section of the wheel. The center zero is also included in this variant and wins double your initial stake amount if it’s hit.

Live Roulette

This game gives you the opportunity to play internet roulette live, where you can bet on anything that shows up on the wheel, including numbers out of the 38. Live roulette allows players to compete against each other for half an hour or so at a time. The players are able to play either even or odd numbers, but every spin is only worth half your stake amount.

Online Roulette has become more common among online poker players as there are plenty of online poker rooms which offer this game type. This has given the game a whole new meaning, making players enjoy this casino game in a whole new way. Multiple bets are placed at the same time, which are then settled on the wheel.

These are the different types of online roulette that you can play on the internet, and if these descriptions don’t make much sense to you, then you can consult your local casino to find out which variant is most favored by players in your area. The biggest advantage that you can enjoy playing online roulette is that there are no brick-and-mortar casinos to get in the way of your fun. As a matter of fact, some casinos have even improved on this, offering live-streamed games from their tables through their websites.

Winning Tips For Online Roulette:

Be very careful while playing online one-on-one games of roulette. The casino is one of the most successful online sites today, where they are able to offer their players great support on all betting options. If you are also keen on playing this game, make sure that you are not limited by your online casino. This is necessary because you will have more fun if you can create a new account, and then start using all of the online casino bonuses that they have provided to let you get a head start. It is well known that most of the online casinos out there, like for example casino 888, PNXBet, and many more, do offer such welcome bonuses to all their players.

With this in mind, you can use the same bonus code on multiple casinos to save yourself from paying extra money. This is necessary because the casinos have different bonus packages for their players so that they get to create their own account, which means that they also get to use more bonuses on top of the standard ones. However, these are the best online casino bonuses that you can get so make sure to choose wisely.

The best way you can go about using these casino bonuses is by using the same bonus codes on multiple casinos. This will help you to avoid paying extra money in order to use your bonus code. With this in mind, we strongly recommend that you only use the casino’s bonus code instead of creating your own account and making it in a different player name and password so that you can get these bonuses in the first place.

Online casinos also offer a wide variety of games for their players. In order to ensure that you get more of the same type of bonus, we strongly suggest that you always have a copy of your bonus code on hand. This way, you will be able to use the same bonus code on multiple casinos easily and quickly. This is necessary because some online casinos require a minimum deposit in order to cash out from the account.

At the same time, you will also be able to cash out from your account in a fast and easy way. Be very careful in choosing a casino online for this purpose though because not all casinos are all equally good when it comes to payout times. You can quickly see this when you sign up for an account in the first place. This is necessary because when making an account, you can choose from a variety of different methods of payment which will determine how much time it takes before the winnings are deposited directly into your deposit account.


The most important thing for players to realize is that online roulette is the exact same game that you will find in physical casinos. The only difference is that they are online, but once you start playing it, you will notice that the games are exactly the same. The only way in which players can tell if they are playing online or offline is when it comes to table limits.