Should You Take Vitamins While Breastfeeding?

When you become pregnant, you have to look out for every label for vitamins. So should it be the same way for breastfeeding? Many mothers opt to breastfeed their babies because of breastmilk’s many nutrients and beneficial properties. So, how can you know if a vitamin is safe? While most practitioners suggest you get the bulk of your vitamins from food, there are still some vitamins that will help make sure you meet your and your baby’s nutritional needs. Below, we will look into if vitamins are safe while breastfeeding and how they can benefit you.

Nutritional Gaps

While most of the vitamins your baby needs will come from food, there may be some nutritional gaps. Babies need a lot of different vitamins to help them grow and develop normal brain function. These vitamins include calcium, folic acid, and B12, to name a few. If you eat the proper diet for breastfeeding, these vitamins shouldn’t be an issue. However, it can be challenging for vegetarian and vegan moms to get all the necessary vitamins. That is where a daily multivitamin can come and fill the gap. A vitamin subscription is one of the easiest ways to get a multivitamin or more folic acid. Vitamin subscriptions will look at your needs and diet and help fill the gap so you can ensure that you and your baby get the nutrition you need.

Supply and Demand

There is no wrong way to breastfeed, whether you use nursing and pumping bras to fill bottles or give baby milk straight from the source. Feeding on demand can be a great way, in the beginning, to ensure your supply won’t diminish; that way, you can build up to providing every few hours regularly. If you do have supply problems, there are ways that vitamins can help. Having a dose of vitamin C or Fenugreek a day can help increase your supply and keep it steady. As with all medications and vitamins, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure these vitamins fit well with your lifestyle.

Important for Mom

While you may think the vitamins you need only directly affect the baby, taking your recommended vitamins is just as crucial for mom. Whether you are taking a prenatal, postnatal, or just a multivitamin, it is essential to take them daily not just for the nutritional value, but also to keep your energy up. Even when it comes to foods, you have to eat an extra 400 calories to make up for energy and nutrition lost when breastfeeding. In addition, this feeding style can lead to a lot of late nights and early mornings, so it is essential to keep a daily vitamin routine to help you keep your energy up. If you become stressed, lack sleep, or lack proper nutrition, your supply can dwindle. Therefore, it is essential to take the recommended vitamins to make sure your supply stays and you can breastfeed your baby.

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What to Avoid

Most of what you eat and drink directly goes to the baby when you breastfeed. There are some rule changes when it comes to certain things like alcohol. Before, mom had to “pump and dump;” instead, they just have to wait a few hours between feedings. Many of the old wives’ tales from the past don’t hold today. Many vitamins are safe, but you should always speak with your doctor about starting a new vitamin. It is best to talk with your doctor when it comes to supplements. However, most of them are avoided while breastfeeding. For instance, melatonin can help promote healthy sleep habits and get you a good night’s rest, but it is not recommended during breastfeeding.