How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Home

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Home

Is your home making you sick? If your home’s indoor air quality is poor, then it may be affecting your health. Home air quality that’s not up to par can worsen current health conditions such as asthma and other breathing problems. 

Having good air quality in your home will ensure the entire family’s health because there are fewer allergens and pollutants in the air. Creating a healthier environment in your home will take a few necessary steps, however. Better air quality is attainable, but you’ll need to know what changes to make in order to reach the best air quality possible for your home. 

Not sure where to begin?

In the guide below, you’ll discover a few different ways to improve indoor air quality that you can start doing right now. Continue reading to get started down the path to a healthier home!

Have the Air Tested

Did you know you can have your home’s air quality tested? You sure can, and it’s a great starting point! Have a professional test the quality of your home’s air for you. 

If there’s mold, toxic materials, and other pollutants in the air, it’ll show on the test. Professionals can test for a variety of pollutants, so be sure to speak with them about your concerns to determine the best route to take. If the air quality test comes back with positive results for a certain pollutant, then you and the professionals can speak about the next best course of action to take. 

For situations involving mold, carbon monoxide, and other hazardous toxins, you may need professionals to perform remediation or removal services. For other situations, there are things you can do right away to improve the air quality. 

Switch Air Filters 

Switching your air filters on a regular basis helps reduce the amount of dust, dirt, and pet dander in the home. Your air filters are designed to stop and catch all of these pollutants before entering your HVAC unit and spreading throughout your home. When your air filter hasn’t been changed in a long period of time, it can become to build up with all the above and become less efficient. 

Filters should be changed at least every three months. It’s even better to change them once a month, however, the ideal time for you will depend on your own unique circumstances. For example, a home with two adults and no pets or children might not need to change the filter as often as a home with several pets and small children.

There are also air filters designed for specific purposes such as preventing dust or preventing allergies. You can check them out here to determine what the best option for your home is. 

Clean the Air Ducts

How often do you check and clean the air ducts in your home? Air ducts can quickly fill with dirt, dust, and other allergens. They’ll need to be cleaned on a regular basis to prevent the spread of these allergens. 

Other than looking inside the air ducts themselves, there are a few signs that they need cleaning. Dust on your air vents and dust on your furniture and around the home are all signs that the air ducts may need to be cleaned. 

Use Natural Cleaners

Do you know what’s in your cleaning products? Are there a lot of ingredients you can’t pronounce? Take the time to start researching each ingredient on your cleaning products to learn what you’re releasing into your home’s air. 

Cleaning products contain chemicals that can significantly reduce indoor air quality. For this reason, it’s best to use natural cleaners or cleaners with fewer chemicals than others. You can find environmentally-friendly cleaning products in all the same places where you purchase other cleaning products, so making this switch is easy!

Limit Scented Items

Unfortunately, scented items such as air fresheners, candles, or wax burners can also contribute to your home’s poor air quality. These products release volatile organic compounds, which can have a negative effect on your health. For example, watery or itchy eyes, a scratchy throat, and a running nose are all side effects of these scented items. 

To prevent volatile organic compounds from entering your air while still having that fresh scent in your home, consider using natural essential oils. Purchase your oils from a reputable company that sells only high-quality products. Use your essential oils in a diffuser to release the scents into the air. 

Keep House Plants

Did you know there are some house plants that actually help purify the air? Plants like Aloe Vera, English Ivy, the Snake Plant, and others can actually improve indoor air quality. 

The great thing about many of these plants (especially the ones listed here) is that they’re easy to take care of. This means you won’t have to worry too much about them dying a week or so after bringing them home because you don’t have a green thumb. These are low-maintenance plants that’ll reduce the number of toxins in the air. 

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Open Doors and Windows

Opening your doors and windows can help improve the air quality in your home by allowing fresh air to enter and circulate. This is a simple and practical fix, but will only be beneficial if the outdoor air quality is better than the indoor air quality. 

Be sure to know first what the pollution and pollen levels are like before opening your doors and windows. 

Improve Indoor Air Quality Using These Tips

Your home’s indoor air quality doesn’t have to suffer any longer. Use these tips listed above to start improving air quality today. Remember to have your air tested first to eliminate possible hazardous toxins in the air. 

Then, start making these small changes one by one for the best results.

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