Cleaning Tips Every Real Estate Agent Should Know

6 Little-Known Cleaning Tips Every Real Estate Agent Should Know

When you’re trying to sell a home, the cleanliness and presentability of a property can make the difference between success and failure. However, with the busy schedule you have as a real estate agent, finding the right time to settle down and clean can prove difficult. With the right tips and tricks, however, you’ll have a much easier time getting your property clean and ready to show. To assist you in this journey, here are six little-known cleaning tips that every real estate agent should know: 

1. Rake and Deep Cleaning

Carpet rakes are a little-known tool that can make cleaning your carpet in a super deep fashion easier than ever before. With a carpet rake, you can easily lift carpet panels so you can get the built-up dust that you would otherwise have no way to deal with. This process allows you to double your efforts during deep cleaning processes, and the carpet rake can help with other hard-to-get-to areas on a property. Urine stains that seep into carpeting or couches can be easier to clean using this handy tool as well!

2. Cleaning Grout

Grout can build up over time, and it’s often much more prevalent than you might imagine (even if your property is typically spotless). If you want to clean the grout between your tiles easily, you’ll need the following mix of ingredients: 1 cup of baking soda, ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide, and 2 teaspoons of dish soap. This easy-to-make and mix concoction will let you easily get into the small crevices in your tiles, allowing you to clean them with little-to-no effort. Just make sure you get a malleable sponge, and that will be durable enough to handle some hard scrubbing. With how shiny and clean this will make your tiles, you can sell a property and finally enjoy your perfect dream vacation next summer! 

3. How to Make Wooden Floors Shine 

When you’re trying to sell a property that has wooden floors, the shine and current state of them will make a huge impact on a potential buyer. You want the floors to appear as new as humanly possible, after all. To make your wooden floors shine, you’ll need to condition the wood with the appropriate products. Then, investing in scratch remover and refinishing for your wooden floors will help you finalize the task. By the time you’re done, the wooden floors will likely look even better than when you first brought the property! 

4. Window Cleaning Hack

While most people assume cleaning a window is as simple as spraying some cleaning product, and doing a quick circular rub down, there is more to the equation if you’re looking for a truly phenomenal shine. Never forget to clean the screens as well as the glass, or the dust build-up will quickly start sticking to the newly cleaned window, and cause unsightly messes. Additionally, be sure to clean when the natural light pouring in is at its best, so you can truly see how well you’ve cleaned the window. With the right effort, you’ll feel as though you’ve created a magical portal to view your property’s scenery with. 

5. Make a Point-by-Point Plan 

Nothing can be as frustrating as not knowing how close you are to actually finish a cleaning operation for one of your real estate properties. Especially if you’re hiring extra hands to help you get the job done, you’re going to need a detailed, step-by-step list that includes estimated cleaning times. No matter who ends up using the list you create, they’ll have a better idea of how to maximize their cleaning efficiency with the list in hand. Additionally, the process of checking items off as you go will help invigorate and inspire you to finish the journey you’ve embarked on. 

6. Use a Single Bathroom 

Especially if you’re living in a property while trying to sell it, keeping the space continuously clean and presentable can become difficult. By using only a single bathroom during this sales period, you’ll have much less touch-up work to do when you finally invite someone over to view the property. If you’re a single person living in a home that you’re selling, implementing this tip should be a breeze. For those families that are trying to sell their real estate property, making the sacrifices involved in using only one of the home’s bathrooms will feel worth it in the long run.

Here’s to Selling Your Property in 2022

While the housing market can feel uncertain these days, there are still plenty of opportunities to be had in the real estate market. By following these six little-known cleaning tips, you’ll have a better chance of impressing potential buyers, allowing your house to get off the market way faster than the competition in your area!